Let's Sailing in Love

Zada Liveaboard

Zada in Arabic has deep meening “prosperous, increasing in goodness”.
Cruising with our Indonesia wooden Phinisi is the best way to discover the beauty of Indonesia archipelago.


What we do

Our packages

With us, you will see a different stunning scenery every day, every hour, and get you into places you never know before.
Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.


4 Days 3 Nights Trip

This is the most attractive package, all tourist attractions in Komodo Islands will be completely explored. Enjoy 4 days private tour with Zada and experience Live on Board with zada during the nights stay.

Detail package

3 Days 2 Nights Trip

Neither too long nor too short, 3 days of the excursion is just the sweet spot for pleasure seekers. Enjoy 3 days private tour with Zada and experience Live on Board with zada during the nights stay.

Detail package

2 Days 1 Night Trip

Enjoy 2 days private tour with Zada and experience Live on Board with zada during a night stay. Enjoy the stars and wait for the sunrise will be an interesting experience for the traveler.

Detail package

One Day Trip

This is one tour package. Active travelers will especially love this tour to experience trekking, and swimming in one day. Favorites destinations will be travelled around the Komodo Island.

Detail package

The vessel

About Zada Liveaboard


Sailing Trips

More than 450 sailing trips have been done during the year of 2023, and we are ready to serve and travel with you in 2023, let’s explore the islands.


Sea Routes

More than 950 routes have been through by Zada Liveaboard during the year of 2023. Let’s explore our journey together in 2023.


Happy Customers

There are more than 5,000 of loyal customers enjoy sailing with Zada Liveaboard in 2020. So please experience us and don’t missed it.


Watch our video

This is it, one of our sailing trip video! What are you waiting for? Let’s Sailing In Love with Zada Liveaboard, make an amazing and unforgettable sailing trip ever while discovering the beauty of Indonesia archipelago.

Get an ecotourism experience

Zero waste

We really care about the ocean, Say big no for the plastic used!
Grab fast for this cool tumbler and you’ll save the ocean.


Travel with us



Padar Island

The Padar Island hike in Komodo has some of the most amazing views in Indonesia, and it’s easy to do on a day trip from the town of Labuan Bajo.

See detail route

Pink Beach

The Pink Beach of Komodo Island, as it is aptly named, possesses pinkish shore and is one of the seven pink beaches that exists in the world.

See detail route


What you get

  • Bathroom
    10 private bathroom and 2 outside bathroom
  • TV and Music
    Smart TV with Youtube, Netflix and Karaoke
  • Bedroom
    6 private bedroom, 2 family bedroom & 3 share bedroom
  • Free WiFi
    Internet connection up to 30 guests
  • Food & Beverage
    5 star hotel menu
  • Live BBQ
    BBQ chicken/seafood skewer at day 2 sailing
  • Snorkeling Gear
    Goggle, Fin, Life Jacket up to 30 guests
  • Glass-bottom Speedboat
    Underwater experience from speedboat

It is interesting

Recent blog posts


What our clients say

Seru banget Zada, karena kamarnya nyaman banget, chefnya jago-jago, crewnya seru-seru. Pokoknya gak pernah bosen deh setiap harinya. Pokoknya kita bakalan balik lagi!

Bastian & Sitha ( Actor & Singer )

Zada keren banget semuanya,mulai dari kapalnya yang keren, crewnya yang seru-seru dan yang gak kalah servicenya yang top banget deh pokoknya. Wajib banget sailing sama Zada di Labuan Bajo.

Zikri Daulay (Actor & Model)

Seru banget tripnya, I'll always labuan bajo karena crewnya seru-seru banget. Yang pasti selalu puas dan gak pernah bosenin setiap harinya. Kita benar-benar dikasih best experience

Jennifer Coopen (Actor & Model)

Zada kapalnya bagus banget, crewnya juga ramah-ramah. Destinasinya juga gak boring sama sekali. Pokoknya best experience ever.

Sarah Keihl (Influencer & Model)

Pengalaman yang sangat menyenangkan dan luar biasa baik dari service maupun crew. Luar biasa pokoknya!

Vincent & Desta

Terima kasih Zada udah ngajakin aku sailing party! Crewnya ramah-ramah, makanannya enak. Alhamdulillah selama perjalanan cuacanya bagus dan tempatnya asyik! Semoga next trip bisa jalan-jalan lagi bareng Zada! Love banget.

Fahria Yasmin Baladraf (DJ)

Top banget naik kapal Zada ini tuh bener-bener kaya feels like home. Servicenya luar biasa, kamarnya nyaman banget, semua crewnya ramah-ramah, kamar mandinya bersih. Pokoknya kalau ke Labuan Bajo wajib banget naik kapal Zada lagi!!

Sahil Mulachela (Radio Announcer & Influencer)

Zada thank you banget untuk tripnya, rasanya kurang lama waktunya dan semoga next time saya mau kembali lagi ketemu dengan semua crew Zada.

Sammy Simorangkir (Singer)

Terima kasih banyak Zada, semua crewnya menyenangkan, makanannya enak banget. Rasanya kurang lama tripnya ni, jadi next aku mau sailing lagi sama Zada.

Gisella Anastasia (Singer & Influencer)

Thank you Zada, happy banget dan pengalamannya luar biasa. Servicenya juga bagus banget, semoga next bisa sailing 1 minggu, Zada mantaap!

Wijaya Saputra/Wijin (Entrepreneur)

’Terima kasih banyak Zada, pokoknya soon aku mau naik Zada lagi kalau ke Labuan Bajo. Love banget Zada!!

Ziva Magnolya (Singer)

Terima kasih banyak Zada dan semua crewnya semoga kita bisa liburan bareng lagi.

Reza Surya Putra (Influencer)

Terima kasih Zada yang sudah membawa kita menikmati indahnya labuan bajo, kapalnya cakep banget, makanannya enak sekali, tidurnya nyaman banget, crewnya ramah-ramah, helpful dan fasilitasnya lengkap banget.

Feni Rose (Host/Presenter)

Zada Liveaboard makanannya enak, crewnya ramah, fasilitasnya oke dan pengalamannya luar biasa. Kami sekeluarga akan kembali lagi dengan Zada.

Mr. M Andy Arslan (Head of Kospin Indonesia)

Zada Liveaboard luar biasa servicenya, luar biasa makanannya. Walaupun baru 2 hari di kapal Zada, tapi tidak merasa bosan.

Mr. Achmad Alf Arslan Djunaid (Mayor of Pekalongan)