by Admin Zada
Komodo has the Latin name Varanus komodoensis which is the largest type of lizard living on Earth today. This endemic animal to Indonesia inhabits several islands in the Nusa Tenggara Timur region.
Unfortunately, this animal is in the endangered category, so Indonesia and UNESCO established the Komodo National Park to care for Komodo dragons so that they can continue to breed and live naturally in the wild. To learn more about Komodo dragons, here are some facts about Komodo dragons.
1. Komodo’s tail has the same length as its body
As the largest lizard in the world, Komodo dragons have quite long tails. Baby komodo even has longer tails than their bodies, but when they are adults the length of their tails will balance their bodies. Komodo’s tail is strong enough to provide support when hunting and attacking prey, just like its legs.
2. Komodo can reproduce asexually
Apart from normal fertilization which usually occurs during the mating season from May to August, female Komodo dragons can lay eggs even without fertilization by male Komodo.
This is known as parthenogenesis, which was proven through research in 2006 at the zoo in London. At that time, the Komodo being cared for there were seen clutching several eggs, even though no male had fertilized them. However, the disadvantage of parthenogenesis is that all babies born will be male.
3. An aggressive carnivores
Komodo is a carnivorous animal that is quite aggressive, it is even able to prey on animals that have a body size larger than them, for example, deer.
The Komodo dragon will rely on the bacteria in its bite, wait for it to enter the prey’s body while monitoring it and when the target is weakened, that’s where the Komodo dragon devours its prey. If you visit Komodo Island to see them in person, make sure to obey the officers’ instructions to stay safe.
4. Komodo bites are deadly
A researcher from the University of Queensland, Bryan Fry, stated that Komodo have poison glands that make their prey bleed profusely after being bitten.
Komodo’s saliva also contains bacteria that come from what they eat. After biting, the Komodo will wait for its prey to die and will eat the carcass, this is what makes the bacteria live more in its saliva.
5. Strong sense of smell
Komodo dragons often rely on their sense of smell rather than sight to read their surroundings, including when mapping where their prey is.
When they do it, Komodo will stick out their tongues to catch chemicals from the ground and air. This animal can also smell up to a distance of 5-11 kilometers, wow!
6. Thick skin like a shield
Living in the wild means that these animals must have body protection to avoid being preyed upon, cases have even been found where adult Komodo dragons can also prey on young Komodo! For this reason, the skin covering the animal’s body acts as a very thick natural shield.
In fact, under this layer of skin, there is a framework of small bones that make it very sturdy. This thick skin also covers the tail, which helps it hunt prey and survive.
7. Its natural habitat is in Indonesia
This ancient lizard has a home in Indonesia and inhabits three large islands, namely Komodo Island, Rinca Island, and Padar Island. We need to be proud because this ancient animal can be found in our country today, and is well cared for in Komodo National Park.
However, researchers from LIPI said that the ancestors of the Komodo came from Australia and Timor because fossils of giant lizards were found there. It is possible that the Komodo dragons became extinct because they were defeated by the climate changes that occurred there at that time.
So, have you ever seen Komodo dragons directly from Komodo National Park? If not, don’t forget to add it to your wish list this year and make it happen with Zada Liveaboard!
Apart from going to Komodo National Park, you will also be invited to explore marine tourist destinations that are no less beautiful in the Labuan Bajo area.
Come on, say hi to Komodo, and book your trip with Zada!
- Information and booking:
- Call & WA: +62 8212 991 2018
- Email: hello@zadaliveaboard.com
- Website: zadaliveaboard.com/link/
- https://www.idntimes.com/science/discovery/lisa-ayu-aditya/fakta-menarik-komodo-hewan-purba-yang-masih-hidup-hingga-sekarang-c1c2?page=all
- https://komododragon.org/id/morfologi/
- https://forestation.fkt.ugm.ac.id/2022/03/13/fakta-reptil-ajaib-dari-indonesia/
- https://www.cnnindonesia.com/teknologi/20201027131955-199-563237/komodo-hewan-endemik-ri-yang-punya-cara-unik-untuk-kawin
- https://detik.com/jabar/wisata/d-6881533/seberapa-mematikan-gigitan-komodo-terhadap-manusia
- https://www.cnnindonesia.com/teknologi/20201027182844-199-563467/lipi-ungkap-alasan-gigitan-komodo-mematikan